We take on projects based on the reasonable management of green areas. Our goal is to serve as a link between public welfare and green spaces. Our team of professionals are all highly qualified
Gardening and Landscape Restoration
The foundation of our work is the integral planning and management of urban green areas in both public and private spaces. The imbalance between grey infrastructures (buildings, roads, sidewalks, paved squares…) and green infrastructures (green areas, vertical gardens, large parks, gardens between blocks of buildings, tree cover…) is increasingly creating problems that make our cities hostile to human life.
Our team includes professionals at every level, from the fields of forestry and agricultural engineering, to biology and ecology, up to and including properly trained vocational gardeners with extensive experience.

Our line of work is born of our motivation to work to improve urban and peri-urban green spaces.
Conventional management of these green spaces does not fully leverage their potential to improve the welfare of the people who enjoy them. Reasonable gardening, innovative ideas that diversify the uses of gardens, personalized client services, experience and proximity, are the pillars of our day-to-day work. We create and maintain organic horticultural production projects integrated in garden areas.
The role of urban forests and trees in cities is considered one of the foundations of well-being. The time investment required to obtain a large specimen, and its role as a node within an ecosystem that is vital to urban welfare, has generated the need for more and more professionals specialized in arboriculture. We have obtained internationally recognized European certification in the technical management and execution of work with trees.
Our work focuses on creating forested areas that are sensibly managed and planned, striving to strike a balance between conserving specimens and ensuring the safety of the surrounding area and of any risk assessment studies and proposals to minimize risk.
In our relationships with our clients, we strive to implement their wishes as a tool to be executed. In our approach to the design process, we are guided by the objective of transforming the use needs of a space to create a garden.
We apply professionalism and our cross-cutting philosophy in taking care of the environment: designing low-maintenance gardens that conserve water resources and fostering the creation of habitats that help ensure a pleasant experience when enjoying a garden.
Paseo de las Acacias 3, 1º A, 28005 Madrid
91 541 26 13